Your Client Doesn’t Care About Your Deliverables!

​I am guilty of it, we get this great prospect, get all lathered up about the possibility of working with them.

Then we start crafting our epic proposal with all sorts of deliverables thinking that’s what our prospects want.

Guess what, your clients really don’t care about your deliverables!

One of my favorite pricing authors and upcoming guest on BizableTV University is Jonathan Stark.

Jonathan explains this perfectly here:

Let’s say you build WordPress sites.
A potential client asks you how much it would cost for you to build a website for them.
What are you going to write about in the proposal…?
Your years of experience using WordPress
The time it’ll take you to do the work?
How many hours do you think it’ll take to build the site
The quantity of deliverables you’ll produce?
How many pages you’ll create for them
Guess what?
Your client doesn’t really care about any of these.
These items are all INPUTS and DELIVERABLES.
What the client REALLY wants are BENEFITS.

Focusing on your client’s business benefits will not only make your proposals better but will lead to more conversions because this is what your clients REALLY care about! Try not to focus so much on your deliverables and see some great results.

Get more from Jonathan Stark and the rest of his article here.

His stuff is top-notch!👌

Nothing but the best of the best for you!

To your success-

Paul Klein

Co-Founder, BizableTV

Is Your Niche or Expertise T-Shaped?

We have all heard it and I am guilty of advising and coaching people to “Niche down” don’t be a generalist, but I love the approach that Google has incorporated for employee development called the T-Shape Stack, where we go super deep in one area of expertise, hence the vertical stick of the “T” and then on each side are two broad base areas of expertise that compliment the deep portion of the “T”.

Definitely, something we should all consider in an expertise-based business.👌

Why You Shouldn't Be So Quick to Specialize

Avoiding Uncertainty In Your Business

Running a business we all “think” we know our customers, but do we really? Demand is not the only KPI whether we are a new or a well-established business. Your business and the market are always changing which can lead to those sleepless nights, so I thought I would share these 3 tips with you to help you.

1. Make the consumer core to your business

2. Think beyond your product

3. Disregard the competition

3 Ways to Overcome Uncertainty About Your Business' Future

Digital Marketing Is Changing Again🧐​

An oxymoron I know, but with Facebook, Google, and Instagram Ads being all the buzz, sometimes it can be overwhelming at least for a novice like me when it comes to digital marketing.

Here are some digital marketing changes that may impact your business that I thought you should know about.

  • Google’s cookie changes
  • Apple’s privacy changes will push marketers to focus on firsthand data
  • Regulations prohibiting retargeting

The Digital Marketing Changes That Will Impact Your Business

Upcoming Events for Entrepreneurs

If I forgot any good ones, please email them to me

New Today: A North Star Mindset!

With Digital Marketer Joseph Bojang

Join Digital Marketer Jospeh Bojang, where he shares his wisdom from the neighborhoods of "Black Wall Street" in Oklahoma to finding his north star on his journey to entrepreneurship.

Coming Soon

A new series of learning just for entrepreneurs!

Paul Klein

Business Strategies For Creative Entrepreneurs delivered to your inbox each week. ​Take it to the next level with The BizableTV Letter.

Read more from Paul Klein

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